Taking you further

In 2013, the communication works in Vietnam National Petroleum Group (Petrolimex) had a strong shift with following features: more initiative,more responsive and acute, more publications and articles.
Publications and articles focused on reflecting the emulation movement in production and work in all aspects of business closely linked with the campaign “Vietnamese prefer Vietnamese goods”; confirming the efforts of officers and workers of Petrolimex in fulfilling the 2013 program mapped out by Shareholders General Meeting. Good experiences and procedures were disseminated; modern examples and good person-good deed were timely highlighted on website in parallel with traditional way of commendation. Skill of editors was gradually raised.
Author list has got many additional new names of officers and workers of Petrolimex. There appeared articles of “self-story” forms attracting the attention and high appraisal of readers. Website(s)www.petrolimex.com.vntogether withwww.congdoan..petrolimex.com.vnhas actually been the forum for Petrolimex workers, contributing to the implementation of democratic regulations at grass root units.
Time to publish news of events or news worth to publish is down to 24 hours. The ratio of articles by topics is on the rise. News from Petrolimex timely responded to important issues of current events for the public. Information required by law to be published was seriously and timely made. The topics “Question-Answer” and “Guide to Use” continued to be updated with practical information.
Websites Petrolimex are actually becoming reliable source of official, orthodox information for officers and workers of Petrolimex and the public, contributing to the creation of a comprehensive, objective and truthful look of Petrolimex.
Together with articles and items in 72 websites, Petrolimex e-mail system played a role in the quickest diffusion of necessary information to Petrolimex officers and workers, report to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, to central, sect oral and local communication authorities.
Articles and items published onwww.petrolimex.com.vnin the years 2012 and 2013 (up to December 12, 2013)
Petrolimex took the initiative with the press in the information issue:
On the one hand: Petrolimex made clear of its viewpoint to the press that the information and pictures published on its websites are for reporters and the press to use at all scales; the whole article word for word, recompose into compact form, extract and/or use as primary or secondary information for their articles.
On the other hand, on the basis of Petrolimex request, the majority of central and local press allowed Petrolimex to use news, articles and pictures of the press in Petrolimex websites. In this case, Petrolimex prints the author’s articles word for word, with direct link to the original article of the press.
In some individual cases where there were inaccuracies in the articles of the press, Petrolimex would make comments in a constructive spirit for the author(s)/ editor boards to remedy, showing Petrolimex goodwill and preserving the prestige of reporters and the press..
Petrolimex shares the view that making news must aim at the readers as the last target; information must be truthful and objective. That is the best way to show the responsibility and virtue of the news reporters. and the show of respect to readers.
The two way cooperation between Petrolimex and the press originated from the above viewpoint. Besides, in implementation of the Law on the Press, Press Interview Regulations, News Source Extract Regulations, other regulations by the state, laws on information and communication.
Petrolimex tried to maintain basic propaganda. by campaign drives, showing goodwill toward each other to overcome difficulties, and the spirit of thrift as directed by the Prime Minister.
Lessons of experience
There are three (3) lessons drawn from the information work in 2013:
First, the role of the top leader: This is true not only in information work, but also in other issues. The top leader has important and decisive role. Anywhere when the top leader is cognizant of information role, there the information work is good.
Petrolimex information issue made a big change since May 29, 2013 when the leadership of the Ministry of Industry and Trade demanded that Petrolimex together with the press organ of the Ministry should boost the internal propaganda of the spirit that “officials and men of the Industry and Trade sector are also the people”.
Second. the skill of editors: Editors are “midwives” for news to come to the public. In Petrolimex, editors are selected from Petrolimex officers and workers, therefore they would have to “work and learn” . That is the reason why editors must have the will to learn. Three factors required of the editors are: knowledge, responsibility and aptitude when tackling with news, articles and pictures.
Where top leaders have suitable editors, there news and articles are plenty and of good quality. On the contrary, articles are few and of low quality.
Third, revolution is the work of the mass. Not only with information, other activities are the same. If the necessary and significant transmission is made to the officers and men to respond by practical deeds, the transmission is fruitful. “A hundred time easy task is impossible without the people, a hundred time difficult task is done if people do it” is our spirit.
Self-story article of Mrs Tram/ Petrolimex Hanoi, Mrs Hoat/Petrolimex Quang Ninh show us how Petrolimex people think of life and work. These are vanguard articles for the ones of the same category. The chunk of articles “ This is not Petrolimex retail station” on the website to instruct the users is the results of hard field work to gather news by officers and workers of Petrolimex. In Petrolimex “Talents of Viet Land” are abound. It is important that they need the encouragement of top leader and subsequently the hand of “midwife” editors.
The Year 2014 and "Taking You Further"
Petrolimex leadership and leaders of political and social organizations in Petrolimex are always consistent with a thorough spirit to initiate the promotion of information work. The main tool for the work is the 72 websites in which the website of the holding company “Vietnam National Petroleum Group” is the representative. Good news and articles shall be linked to the holding company and some will be translated into English.
Besides the supply of enough equipment for editors work, the Group will continue the re-training for editors annually to raise their skill. The Group encourages team discussion among editors, One who knows shall tell the ones who don’t know, who knows much to tell the ones who know less. That is the spirit of self learning, on-the-spot training.
“Taking You Further” is the internal target of Petrolimex. This target is not separated from the common target of the country of Vietnam, the people of Vietnam in the relation with customers, partners of Petrolimex at home and abroad. This is the compass for Petrolimex information work in 2014 and subsequent years.
Meeting of Petrolimex leadership and reporters (By Ngoc Tu Jan. 15, 2014)