Piacom co-operation opportunity at "Industry 4.0 conference"

In order to introduce petroleum management solutions in the fourth industrial revolution, the Petrolimex Information Technology and Telecommunication JSC (PIACOM) showcased its products at "INDUSTRY 4.0 CONFERENCE" – the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and application of the Internet of Things (IoT) into smart manufacturing held at Inter Continental Asiana Saigon, Ho Chi Minh City.
PIACOM staff at the conference
At the conference, PIACOM presented the EGAS – a solution for management of retail petrol stations and AGAS – Automation Gas Station with automation systems for measuring tanks and printing receipts for retail trading.
PIACOM Deputy Director Tran Ngoc Tuan presents at the Conference
Addressing the conference, PIACOM Deputy Director Tran Ngoc Tuan shared successes of and benefits from the application of IoT in petroleum management and trading at the General Oil Terminal and at the petrol stations.
Customers visit PIACOM booth at the Conference
PIACOM is the only enterprise working in the field of petrol business automation that participated in the exhibition. PIACOM exhibition booth drew special attention of both Organising Board and customers domestic and international. The exhibition visitors spoke highly of the company’s integrated automation solutions in the context of the State’s enhanced management of the current petroleum market.
The EGAS is built on a centralised data model which operates on the internet and facilitates users to manage petrol stations from a distance. EGAS supports the management of import activities; inventory; selling; salary; staff; invoice; books, reports; price and price policy; selling network; concentrated catalogue; integrated management system. AGAS is a selling automation system that controls inventory and payment to help improve labour productivity and transparency at petrol stations. The EGAS solution was developed and applied by PIACOM throughout the whole system of petrol stations of Petrolimex, Petrolimex Laos, and Sonadezi Long Thanh, among others.
The Industry 4.0 Conference and Application of IoT into smart manufacturing jointly organised by the State Agency for Technology Innovation, the National Council for Science and Technology Policy of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Advantech Corporation, and Techpro aims to provide an insight into and influences of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 on Vietnam’s industry. The conference offered enterprises opportunities for future co-operation.