Petrolimex Saigon participates on HTV Talk Show " GreenTech Fuel in use "

Early on 12.22. 2017, Petrolimex Saigon participated on a Talk Show entitled "GreenTech Fuel in use" produced and broadcasted by Ho Chi Minh Television Centre (HTV).
Deputy Director of Petrolimex Saigon Dao Van Hung (center) talks at the seminar
Attending the seminar, there were Deputy Director of Petrolimex Saigon Dao Van Hung and Lecturer from Faculty of Traffic Engineering - University of Technology Ho Chi Minh City MSc. Nguyen Dinh Hung
Seminar content was hornor brought to you by Petrolimex Saigon Website Editorial Board
Seminar host: Mr. Dao Van Hung, please answering the question what is E5 petroleum?
Mr. Dao Van Hung: The name of petroleum E5, E10 or E20 is equivalent to the proportion of modified ethanol to petroleum at 5%, 10% or 20%. E5 Petroleum in Vietnam market is made from 95% of RON 92 petroleum with 5% denatured ethanol. Modified ethanol, also known as industrial ethanol, is commercially available as E100 - is blended with anhydrous ethanol (99.5%) with additives (anti-oxidation, anti-corrosion, phase separation and denaturation) with petroleum.
Seminar host: So what is the origin of ethanol for blending in E5 petroleum and why is it called "biofuel"?
Mr. Dao Van Hung: Ethanol is produced through fermented starch, molasses and others agricultural waste, so called bioethanol. The main raw materials for bioethanol production in Vietnam are mainly dry slide cassava . Because ethanol is bio-based alcohol, so when blend in RON 92 petroleum 5%, E5 petroleum is called biofuel.
Seminar host: Could you tell us about the environmental significance of 5% ethanol?
Mr. Dao Van Hung: Because ethanol has a high octane value (RON) of 109, when blended in petroleum will increase the octane value, increasing the resistance to detonation of fuel. With higher oxygen content than conventional petroleum, E5 petroleum helps to burn the engine combustion more thoroughly, increasing power, reducing fuel consumption, while minimizing the emission of toxic substances (CO, CO2, HC) into the environment - so it can be said that "Clear combustion chamber, good for environment".
Seminar host:The environment benefit is clear, please tell us whether the use of E5 petroleum blended with the original kind of petroleum affect the engine? For example, the day before use E5 petroleum, while the next day for some reasons the buyer must refill the vehicle with RON 95, then use the blended of two types whether there is any impact on the car engine?
Mr. Dao Van Hung: There is no technical problem with engines using both E5 and RON 95 petroleum. E5 petroleum is RON 92 blended with 5% ethanol, so if used in combination with RON 95, the content of ethanol in the mixture only reduced.
Seminar host: Besides the non - affecting to the quality of the engine, it is a source of fuel, it must be safe. What consumers are concerned about is the quality of E5 petroleum in Vietnam has secured the international standard?
Mr. Dao Van Hung: The quality of E5 petroleum is under controlled in all stages of the blending process, from raw materials to finished products.
Inputing of raw materials: Ethanol as well as RON 92 before input in to the Oil terminal must be checked for quality. The quality of the consignment must reach QCVN 01: 2015 / BKHCN, be certified by the goverment management agency.
Blending: E5 petroleum is blended in large tank (In-tank) and directly on the pipe to the tanker truck (In-line). Preparation establishments must be assessed by the Directorate for Standards and Metrology to ensure that they meet all the conditions and capability to be granted the certificates. The preparation process is strictly controlled to ensure the quality of output E5 products.
Product quality inspection: After the preparation, the E5 gas sampler checks the physical and chemical criteria according to the ASTM method, the quality must meet QCVN 01: 2015 by the Ministry of Science and Technology and must be managed by the Goverment certificate of conformity, after all output to the tanker trucks for consumption at retail petroleum stations.
Preserving, transporting: periodic tank washing, quality control in each tanker truck, petroleum stations and collection - storage control samples.
Thus, the quality of E5 petroleum is strictly controlled in all stages, ensuring the international standard.
Seminar host: Dear sir, in order to supply E5 petroleum products, how does Petrolimex Saigon prepare?
Mr. Dao Van Hung: Vietnam National Petroleum Group (Petrolimex) owns more than 2,400 petroleum staions, trading not only in urban areas but also in mountainous and remote areas. On December 15, 2017, more than 2,400 Petroleum Stations owned by Petrolimex sold E5 petrol instead of RON 92, 15 days earlier than the Government's roadmap.
For intermediaries (agents, franchises), Petrolimex has informed customers of the policy of the Government to stop the circulation of RON 92 and replace it with E5 petroleum from 01.01.2018.
In such a big market like Ho Chi Minh City. Since the replacement of RON 92, petrol consumption of 70 petrolimex petroleum staions is about 300,000 liters per day, equivalent to 9-10 million liters per month, increase 50% compared to the period of November 2017 (when selling RON 92). At present, E5 petroleum accounts for more than 30%, the remaining 70% is RON 95 gasoline trading in our retail system.
Petrolimex has the facilities of blending E5 petroleum nationwide, capable of supplying from 4 to 4.5 million m3 per year, while the demand of the entire Petrolimex system is about 2.5 million m3 / year.
Particularly the E5 petroleum blending system at Petrolimex's Nha Be Oil Terminal in Ho Chi Minh City. has capacity of more than 2.7 million m3 per year, 1 million for tanker trucks, 1.7 million for barges. This amount of E5 petroleum supply for Ho Chi Minh City and transport to the internal companies in to other provinces.
Therefore, the supplying of E5petroleum is ensured. At the same time, the company also blend, supply E5 petroleum to Oil terminal rental partners, or support the processing of RON 92 remaining after 01.01.2018.
Seminar host: So right now, there must be abundant ethanol source to blend the amount of E5 petroleum enough supplying through the country, how is the preparation sir?
Mr. Dao Van Hung: Implementing Decision 177 of the Government, as we have known that Vietnam has four ethanol factories (Quang Nam, Dung Quat, Binh Phuoc, Dong Nai). Total output is about 400,000 m3 / year, while the country needs about 275,000 m3 / year. If all four factories are stable, they will be able to supply enough ethanol for the domestic market.
Petrolimex takes the initiative to work with domestic ethanol suppliers, and also finds out the supply in the international market to ensure that wether the demand for E5 petroleum is sufficiently high enough to accommodate ethanol.
Seminar host: According to the press, the world is known not only E5 petroleum as we are today, but also E10, E20. Decision No. 53/2012 of the Prime Minister also stipulated the roadmap to apply emission standards. In order to meet the growing environmental protection criteria, in the context of fossil fuels - including petroleum - becoming increasingly exhausted, we are on the way to raising the level of bio-ethanol and how to apply the government's emission standards?
Mr. Dao Van Hung: In the world, countries have used E80 petroleum (like Brazil). In Vietnam, E5 gasoline has been sold since late 2014 under the Prime Minister's Decision 53/2012 / QD-TTg dated 11.22.2012. Decision 53 also stipulates the roadmap for E10 petroleum, so Petrolimex Saigon will launch E10 petrol business in the near future as directed by Petrolimex.
Today, consumers around the world are gradually turning to green products, friendly to the environment and considered it as a standard for high quality products and services.
In response to the policy of promoting green consumption and the roadmap to apply the emission standards of the Government, from 01.01.2018, Petrolimex sells new high-quality diesel products with emission standards Level V (Euro 5) with the name DO 0.001S - V, the highest current in Vietnam instead of level IV according to the roadmap. This is the effort of Petrolimex to bring consumers the highest quality products to meet the requirements of the engine, contributing actively to environmental protection.
DO 0.001S - V as a pioneer of Petrolimex for green fuel trends in green consumption - this is a commitment to protect the environment of business for the community.
Seminar host: Sincerely thank you, sir!